A Lady is Playing with Little Kid

New Year, New Woman: Learn More About Mommy Makeovers

The excitement of becoming a mother likely overshadows many other aspects of life. However, as your kids grow and the natural aging process starts to affect your physical appearance, it can leave you unhappy, even depressed, with your looks.

If your new year’s resolution is to slim down and get your pre-pregnancy body back, the popular mommy makeover surgical package is waiting for you. At Grossman Plastic Surgery, you can reverse the physical toll that pregnancy and childbirth took on your body through a highly effective combination of aesthetic procedures customized to address the specific issues mothers face as they age.

Highlights of a mommy makeover

A mommy makeover aims to restore the shape of your body after you’ve had children. It can include multiple procedures, often performed during the same operation, to reshape areas of your body most affected by pregnancy and childbirth, including your:

  • Breasts
  • Abdomen
  • Vagina
  • Buttocks

Each makeover is customized to meet your specific needs, with the goal to enhance your natural appearance and improve your satisfaction with your physical shape.

Options for a mommy makeover

Dr. Peter H. Grossman carefully discusses your expectations during a comprehensive consultation. He may recommend one or more surgical or nonsurgical options including:

Liposuction: Reduce excess fat to slim the natural contours of your buttocks, abdomen, and other areas retaining fat deposits.

Tummy tuck: Eliminate excess fat deposits and loose skin while improving the contours of your abdominal muscles for a firmer and smoother appearance.

Breast augmentation, lift, or reduction: Enhance the size and shape of your breasts.

Labiaplasty: Improve the shape of your inner and outer labia by removing excess skin, which can become enlarged after giving birth.

You may also want to consider SculpSure® noninvasive body contouring to slim your figure and eliminate pockets of stubborn fat to highlight your natural contours and bring back your pre-baby body. Additional procedures that can round out your mommy makeover include laser skin rejuvenation, a facelift, or dermal fillers to restore a more youthful appearance to your face.

Ideal candidates for a mommy makeover

The procedures involved in a mommy makeover are ideal for women who are otherwise in good health. In most cases, you need to be near a healthy body weight and have the right expectations for your surgery results.

Before undergoing a mommy makeover, consider your family plans. Additional pregnancies after surgery can interfere with your results.

Expectations for recovery

Your total recovery time after a mommy makeover largely depends on the number and types of procedures you have. Expect to take several weeks off from work and to avoid strenuous activities following your makeover to ensure your body has time to heal properly.

For breast and abdominal surgeries, you likely will wear a compression garment for a month or more to reduce your risk of swelling and to protect the surgical site. Dr. Grossman provides you with specific after-care instructions to help you get back to yourself as quickly as possible.

Results of your mommy makeover, especially if you’ve had procedures on your breasts and abdomen, can be noticeable immediately but continue to improve as your swelling resolves. Within two to three months, you can begin to see the optimal results of your makeover and enjoy a well-deserved boost of self-confidence and satisfaction with your appearance.

Learn more about your options for getting back to your pre-baby body with a mommy makeover. Schedule a consultation with Grossman Plastic Surgery online or by phone.

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