A Girl is Jumping

BodyTite™: A Unique Procedure for Toning Your Body

Sagging, loose skin is a common side effect of weight loss and growing older. In the past, invasive surgical procedures were the only way to address excess skin, deep wrinkles, and skin bulges. These procedures require long hospital stays and can be risky to your health.

Thanks to innovative technologies, like BodyTite™, you can now get the body of your dreams without a complicated recovery process or long, noticeable scars.

Enhancement possibilities of BodyTite

BodyTite can eliminate stubborn fat deposits in a variety of areas on your body. Dr. Grossman can also address areas of loose, sagging skin where you’ve lost collagen or as the result of weight loss.

Treatment areas with BodyTite include:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Knees
  • Flanks
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks

The minimally invasive procedure can also eliminate fat deposits on both your inner and outer thighs. Dr. Grossman creates a custom treatment plan to reduce fat and tighten skin on only the areas you want to address to help you look and feel your best.

How BodyTite works

BodyTite requires only small incisions to access areas of stubborn fat beneath the skin. The technology uses a narrow wand that delivers radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to melt away fat deposits.

RFAL also causes your skin tissue to contract; over time, your skin appears smoother, tighter, and younger-looking.

In many cases, a BodyTite treatment can be performed under local anesthesia. If you’d feel more comfortable or if treatment will take a bit longer, Dr. Grossman can offer light sedation or general anesthesia to ensure treatment isn’t painful.

BodyTite recovery process

One of the biggest benefits of BodyTite over other body contouring procedures is the fast recovery time. Within 2-3 days of treatment, you can expect to get back to your usual activities without many limitations.

Dr. Grossman may suggest modifying any strenuous exercise routines for up to two weeks to ensure your body heals properly. To reduce swelling and ensure best results, you should also plan to wear a compression garment for a few days after a BodyTite procedure. You may also notice some bruising in the treatment areas, but that resolves without further treatment.

Noticeable body contouring results

Your body continues to heal after BodyTite treatments for up to six months. During that time, you can begin to see significant improvement in the contours of your body. As swelling and bruising subside, you can see tighter, firmer skin where sagging used to be.

Overall, your skin appears younger and your figure becomes increasingly slimmer in the months after treatment. As long as you maintain a healthy diet and stay physically active, you can maintain your results for the long-term.

In fact, the dramatic results of BodyTite treatments are often a motivating factor for people to stick with a good diet and exercise routine. Your new contoured, healthier-looking body and firmer skin can also give you a needed boost of self-confidence and improved self-esteem.

Find out if you’re a candidate

If you can’t seem to lose areas of fat regardless of your diet and lifestyle habits, you may be an ideal candidate for BodyTite. As long as you’re within range of a healthy weight and have reasonable expectations for the procedure, body contouring with BodyTite can be a safe, effective treatment for restoring your natural figure and firmer, healthier skin.


Dr. Grossman can review your medical history and current health to determine if BodyTite is the best option for you to achieve the contouring results you want.

To find out more about the benefits of BodyTite, schedule a consultation with Dr. Grossman online or by phone today.

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