
Limited Open Neck Lift Procedure

As we enter our 40s, the skin on the neck can lose its elasticity and the jowls and lower part of the face can sag. In some cases, people will seek corrective surgery right away to correct this problem, and in other cases they will wait until they reach their 60s–it just comes down to each individual and when they are emotionally ready to have plastic surgery.

Patients have two primary options that are most effective: they can either get a full facelift, which covers correctional techniques to improve the upper and lower regions of the face, including the neck, or they will seek a limited open neck lift procedure from the best plastic surgeon to address the neck and lower portion of the face.

How is a Limited Open Neck Lift Procedure Performed?

Also referred to as a limited incision neck lift, the limited open neck lift procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon who makes a small incision behind the lower portion of the ear lobe so he can pull up the jaw line, jowls, neck, and lift the lower portion of the face. This is a less invasive procedure compared to a full facelift, and is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures people invest in that reduces the signs of aging.

How Long is the Recovery Time for an Open Neck Lift Procedure?

The average recovery time for a limited open neck lift procedure is 10 to 14 days. After this period of time you will be able to wear makeup again, which can aid in covering up any bruising–a normal side effect of any cosmetic facial surgery. Each individual will have a different healing experience, and when you have your pre-surgical examination your physician will be able to give you realistic expectations for the recovery process, which is moderately quick with little discomfort. You may be prescribed pain killers based on your needs, and given post-care instructions for pain management and keeping swelling down to a minimum. Make sure to avoid any strenuous activity for the first two weeks after your limited open neck lift procedure, and make sure you have a family member or friend on hand to help you with basic care needs.

Why do Patients Get a Limited Open Neck Lift Procedure?

The one thing all limited open neck lift candidates have in common is the desire to reduce the physical signs of aging on the face and neck. Yet there are different reasons why some go with this procedure. First of all, some patients may only need corrective surgery on the lower part of the face and the neck. For these candidates a full facelift would be unnecessary. Then there are people who may not be emotionally ready for a full facelift, so they opt for the limited open neck lift procedure because it is less invasive, and enables the patient to progress to additional procedures, when they are physically and emotionally ready.

A Limited Open Neck Lift Procedure Helps to Redefine the Whole Person

attractive wavy-haired lady with perfect pure shine clean clear fresh smooth flawless skin touching neck

When we feel completely comfortable in our own skin, we have a more positive outlook on life, cultivate better quality relationships, are more successful in our careers, and are, overall, more happy individuals. Getting a limited open neck lift procedure is an ideal way, for many people, to look as young as they feel, and it’s a great way to restore one’s confidence and drive. When we look better, we feel better; it’s that simple. The key is to work with a plastic surgeon who will listen to all of your beauty goals, personal goals, and that can paint realistic expectations. Dr. Peter Grossman has more than 20 years of experience in performing the limited open neck lift procedure to men and women of all ages, with a wide range of medical profiles, and has always given every patient, despite their differences, a flawless, beautifully sculpted neck and lower face while improving the quality of each patient’s life.

Call Grossman Medical and Schedule a Limited Open Neck Lift Consultation Today

Our caring, experienced staff are standing by to help you book an appointment with Dr. Peter Grossman, a leading facial plastic surgeon in the country. People from all over the world come to Dr. Grossman for a wide range of cosmetic facial procedures, and now you have the opportunity to partner with the best. Call today, and take that critical first step towards a new and more vibrant you.


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